Incheon Institute of Industrial-Academic Convergence (Director Yoo Chang-kyung) is planning to foster engineers for parts manufacturing using metal 3D printing, a promising job in the future.
The Incheon Institute of Industrial-Academic Convergence is recruiting people to participate in the "second phase of the part manufacturing engineer training course using metal 3D printing" until January 30.
The training, which will be carried out as part of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy's smart promotion manpower training project for materials, parts, and equipment, will provide theories, software, and metal 3D printing practices for incumbent and related majors.
Training will run from February 3rd to 7th, and DfAM (Stacked Manufacturing Specialized Design) theory and practice using △ metal 3D printing introduction (Inha University Lee Ki-an) △ ANSYS (Taesung S&N's responsibility) △ Metal 3D printing equipment operation and post-processing practice (Kim Gyun-seop Technology)
The total number of trainees is 15, which is free of charge. For more information, visit the Incheon Institute of Industrial-Academic Convergence at www.iiaci.or.kr, or contact 032-858-8727 by phone or e-mail at master@iiaci.or.kr.
An official from the Incheon Institute of Industry-Academic Convergence said, "Through this training, we plan to foster a new industry, aviation parts equipment, which is the future's new growth industry, based on Incheon International Airport, the world's No. 1 airport service evaluation (ASQ), and Namdong National Industrial Complex."
Meanwhile, the Incheon Institute of Industry-Academic Convergence (President Yoo Chang-kyung) won the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy's "Aeronautics Industry Professional Training Project" last year to secure a total of 5 billion won in state funds for the first time in Korea. In addition, the Incheon Institute of Industrial-Academic Convergence is building a corporate research center with the aim of moving in in July, where research equipment such as GE Additive Metal 3D printers will be installed to provide prototyping and mass production support for companies.